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The world's first app-controlled Microchip Pet Door

Microchip Pet Door Connect
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Microchip Pet Door Connect
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Install the Pet Door Connect into doors, walls or windows. Just like a normal cat flap.

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Connect the Hub to a spare port on your home router. The Hub acts as the link between the pet door and the internet.

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When your pet interacts with the Pet Door Connect it will let you know. You can also control when your pets are allowed to leave.

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The Sure Petcare app provides you with notifications and reports on your pets location and activity.

Toimii lemmikkisi nykyisen mikrosirun kanssa

Tuotteemme toimivat kaikkien yleisimpien mikrosirujen kanssa. Voit varmistaa sirun yhteensopivuuden syöttämällä sen numeron alla olevaan ruutuun.

Entä jos lemmikilläni ei ole mikrosirua?
  • On yhteensopiva mikrosirusi kanssa
  • Ei ole yhteensopiva mikrosirusi kanssa
  • Ei vaadi mikrosirua toimiakseen
    • Microchip Cat Flap
    • Microchip Pet Door
    • Microchip Cat Flap Connect
    • Microchip Pet Door Connect
    • Microchip Pet Feeder
    • Sealed Pet Bowl
    • Artboard Felaqua Connect

Elämää SureFlapin kanssa

Enrich your pet’s life, protect your home and connect from anywhere

Ever wondered what time your cat came in from their morning prowl? Wished you could rush home and lock the cat flap during a thunderstorm to keep your cat safe inside? Or wanted reassurance that your cat was coming and going normally while you’re on holiday? 

Once linked with the Sure Petcare app you will be able to do all of this and more from your phone. So that whether you're at home or away you can relax in the knowledge that your cat has the freedom and security they deserve.

Discover how SureFlap products have helped existing customers



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Lemmikinluukun asentaminen oveen

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Lemmikinluukun asentaminen lasiin

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Lemmikinluukun asentaminen seinään


  • Flap opening dimensions
  • Tunnel depth
  • Door/wall mounting dimensions
  • Glass mounting dimensions
  • Exterior frame dimensions
  • Front frame depth
product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram

178mm (W) x170mm (H)

This dimension is the smallest area of the pet door that your pet will have to enter

70mm (D)

Depth of the inside tunnel of the pet door.

207mm (W) x 234mm (H)

The exterior frame can be used as a template to cut the hole required to fit your pet door.


A circular hole is required to install the pet door in glass. The optimum hole size is 300mm, but the pet door can be installed into holes up to 320mm in diameter.

262mm (W) x 281mm (H)

Size of the exterior pet door frame


product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram product dimension diagram


Microchip Pet Door Connect
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Microchip Pet Door Connect
Microchip Pet Door Connect Microchip Pet Door Connect
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