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Tailored Care for Cats


Understanding Your Feline Friend: Tailoring Care for Cats on International Cat Day

Second to dogs, cats are the most popular pets around the globe. Cherished for their companionship, they are not only a common sight in our households, but also part of our families – sharing our homes, our routines, and our lives. On International Cat Day, they’re taking a step outside the shadow of their canine counterparts for us to shine a spotlight on their own unique qualities, traits, and needs.

In fact, vets are suggesting that we must think differently about how we care for our feline friends – offering care that is more tailored towards their needs. For instance, based on food consumption data collected from Sure Petcare Connect feeding monitoring solutions, it appears that cats actually eat on average 7 times a day1. This could indicate that we should feed them little and often, rather than serving them two large meals as we do with our dogs.

All cats are uniquely different in their personalities and habits though, including how they eat and drink. A former stray cat is likely to eat their food as a meal – probably because as a stray they didn’t know when they would next eat. At the same time, cats raised in a home since kittenhood tend to prefer eating small amounts frequently throughout the day. In households where some cats graze and others eat everything at once, this can lead to a lot of competition and stress, as some cats will eat all the food that has been put down – not just their own. Ensuring all cats have access to their food at a time they prefer and the amount they should be having, is vital in keeping them healthy and happy.

Behaviour monitoring technology can help further understand our felines’ wellbeing and needs. By tracking their seemingly mundane daily activities – such as eating or drinking, and their outdoor routines – patterns and trends are revealed that can make it easier to spot subtle but important changes in their wellbeing.  Changes that might have gone unnoticed and would have previously been tricky to observe.

Indeed, increased thirst in cats can be a primary sign of hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. A consistent increase in food consumption can also be an early sign of hyperthyroidism. And while activity levels naturally fluctuate, sudden and unusual avoidance of time outside could be linked to discomfort or stress.

By documenting the unique habits of cats, both pet owners and vets can establish what’s normal for them and spot irregularities – adjusting care needs early on. In fact, 66% of pet owners and beta app testers using the Sure Petcare App and Sure Petcare Connect Ecosystem of feeding, drinking, and outdoor monitoring solutions say they now feel they have a better understanding of their pet2. This constant analysis helps people stay connected to their pets 24/7 – supporting early detection of underlying issues and care that is more in line with our felines’ needs.

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