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Looking after your cat’s food and water in the winter

During the winter, the cold weather outdoors and the warmth of the house indoors can have an effect on your cat’s food and water sources. Take a look at these top tips to ensure your cat has access to fresh food and water throughout the winter.

External water sources

If your cat spends a lot of time outside and you provide them with an external water source, change their water bowl regularly to avoid the water freezing over. Supplying an outdoor water source will deter your cat from seeking water elsewhere which may be contaminated with antifreeze.

Internal water sources

Make sure your cat has access to plenty of internal water sources. Some cats will spend more time indoors during the winter so providing multiple water sources around your home will ensure they stay hydrated.

Keeping food fresh

If you tend to keep your house quite warm during the winter, you might want to feed your cat in a cooler room of the house to keep the food fresher, especially if your cat eats wet food and likes to graze throughout the day. A SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder, a SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect or a SureFeed Sealed Pet Bowl will also help to keep their food fresher for longer. SureFeed products have a lid which closes onto a sealed bowl to keep wet food moist and stop dry food going stale.

Storing wet cat food

Store open food in the fridge to prevent it spoiling in a well-heated house. Be sure to bring it up to room temperature before serving it to your cat as most cats don’t find cold food palatable. Don’t put cat food in the microwave as this could cause hot spots and scald your cat’s mouth.

Winter food portions

A four-year study conducted by the University of Liverpool has found that cats eat more during winter, so this may be something to bear in mind when feeding your cat in the colder months.

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