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Pre-Holiday Pet Care Essentials

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, but it often comes with the added stress and worry of leaving our beloved feline companions in the care of someone else. To ensure peace of mind, here are 10 things to do before going away.

Must-Do Tasks for Worry-Free Vacation Time for You and Your Furry Friend

1. Stock up on supplies: Make sure you have enough food, litter, medication, and any other necessary supplies to last throughout your cat's staycation.

2. Microchip your pet: Ensuring that your cat has a microchip with up-to-date information can be a lifesaver if they happen to wander off.

3. Vet emergency contact details: Provide your pet sitter with your veterinarian's contact information, their microchip number, and any relevant medical history for your cat.

4. Update your contact details on your chosen microchip database, such as HomeAgain: Check that the contact details linked to your pet's microchip are accurate and up to date in case they go missing.

5. Get to know your pet sitter: If you're hiring a new pet sitter, schedule an introductory session at your home. This allows your cat to get familiar with them and gives you an opportunity to discuss their care needs, routines, and any concerns you may have.

6. Introduce Sure Petcare Connect: Add your sitter to the Sure Petcare App to allow them to stay connected to your pet anytime. If they’re new to pet tech it might help showing them how to operate the devices to ensure a smooth transition.

7. Check your Sure Petcare Connect products: Ensure your products are working by checking the battery levels in your devices, making sure to have spares available.

8. Provide immediate access: It's a good idea to leave a spare key with a trusted family member, friend, or neighbour in case of an emergency or if your pet sitter needs immediate access.

9. Prepare clear instructions: Write down detailed instructions regarding feeding schedules, medication, litter box maintenance, and any specific care requirements for your cat.

10. Leave comforting items: Leave familiar items such as blankets, toys, or even an old shirt with your scent to give your cat a sense of security while you're away.

By ticking this list off before your travels, you can alleviate some of your own stress by resting assured that your cat is well-cared for in your absence. Remember, preparation is key to a worry-free vacation for both you and your furry friend.

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