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Why Your Cat's Water Consumption Matters

They may not be keen on a bath, but water is a vital element for all living beings, including our feline friends. Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining your cat's overall health and wellbeing. Having evolved from desert-dwelling ancestors who obtained much of their hydration from their prey, cats naturally have a low thirst drive. Therefore, it is essential for cat owners to pay attention to their cat's water consumption and take steps to ensure they are getting enough.

“I never see my cat drinking”, we hear you saying. Well, let’s have a look at why their water consumption matters and our tips on how to keep tabs on their drinking:

Preventing Dehydration: Urinary tract problems and kidney disease may lead to dehydration. Sufficient water intake helps keep their body systems functioning properly and avoids potential complications.

Regulating Body Temperature: Cats rely on water to help regulate their body temperature. During hot weather or if your cat is physically active, they may need increased water consumption to prevent overheating.

Promoting Kidney Health: Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining optimal kidney function. When your cat drinks enough water, it helps flush out toxins from their system and may reduce the risk of kidney disease and other urinary tract disorders.

Preventing Urinary Tract Issues: Cats are prone to problems like urinary tract infections and blockages. Sufficient water intake helps keep urine dilute and flushes out the urinary tract, reducing the risk of these issues.

Promoting Healthy Skin and Coat: Adequate hydration keeps your cat's skin in good condition, reducing the likelihood of dry, itchy skin and promoting a healthy, shiny coat.

So, how can you ensure your cat is getting enough water?

Provide Fresh Water: It is obvious but ensure your cat has access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Monitor Water Consumption with Felaqua® Connect: Keep an eye on your cat's water intake 24/7. You get notified when your cat drinks and have access to their current and historic water consumption, allowing you to review data to spot unusual changes. If you notice any significant decrease or increase, it could be a sign of an underlying issue, and you should consult your veterinarian.

Multiple Water Sources: Place water sources like Felaqua Connect in different locations around the house to make it easily accessible for your cat, especially if you have multiple cats. Felaqua Connect uniquely identifies your pets by their microchip, ensuring that each drink from the device is recorded in the Sure Petcare App.

Wet Food: If your cat allows, incorporate wet cat food into their diet. Wet food contains a higher moisture content than dry food and can contribute to their overall hydration. It is also beneficial for cats prone to urinary tract issues. It is even more important that cats eating dry food only have plenty of water sources to choose from.

Water Flavouring: Some cats may be enticed to drink more water by adding a small amount of low-sodium chicken or fish broth to their water. If you have a Felaqua Connect, you can simply add a small amount to the water inside the bowl, which is dishwasher-safe and thus easy to clean.

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