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The Claypole family

Monitoring your cat’s drinking doesn’t have to be guess work

Amy has two cats, Dizzee, who is a Tortoiseshell and Rascal, who is grey and white. Both are 6 years old.  Rascal has a urinary condition and as a result, is on a specialist diet. Her food is known to increase thirst, so it is important that Rascal maintains a healthy urinary output that supports her renal health. Both have been using the Felaqua Connect as Amy found it difficult to monitor their drinking.

After hearing about Felaqua Connect, Amy was keen to get a better understanding of Rascal’s water intake.  Amy said: “Monitoring Rascal’s drinking has always been a guessing game!” She continued: “I found the setup of the Felaqua Connect very straightforward and easy to follow, with clear step-by-step instructions - it is a very simple yet ingenious concept! It is super easy to keep clean and to refill too.”


Drinking and feeding behaviours in one app  

Dizzee and Rascal have each been using a SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect and are both connected to one Sure Petcare app account.  Each cat has their own profile in the app and Amy can see how much, how often and when her cats eat, noticing any changes if they occur.  The Felaqua Connect connects to the same app as the SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect, using the Sure Petcare hub.  Each hub can connect up to 10 Sure Petcare connected products, enabling owners to have complete visibility of their cat’s behaviours in one single app screen.  With the hub already set up, Amy simply added Felaqua Connect to their existing household app account.  

Since starting with Felaqua Connect, Amy has been able to see how much and how frequently Dizzee and Rascal drink. Dizzee took to the Felaqua Connect very quickly and was drinking frequently from it within a few days. However, Rascal was quite wary initially and was drinking less frequently.  Amy said: “I kept other sources of water available in the house until she was confident using Felaqua Connect, which took about 4 weeks. Rascal is naturally quite a jumpy cat, and as water is drunk from the Felaqua the bowl refills from the reservoir making a quiet ‘bubbling’ sound. Initially Rascal was a bit startled by this, but she soon got used to it!”

Hassle-free placement anywhere in the home  

Amy has set up the Felaqua Connect in her kitchen near their pet feeders.  Normally, cats are less likely to drink and feed in the same place, however as both the Felaqua Connect and Microchip Pet Feeder Connect are not mains connected, they can be placed wherever is preferable for the pets.  “Initially we placed the Felaqua Connect away from their food, but they did not appear to be using it frequently, and when I moved it they both gravitated towards it more.” Amy said.  


What was Amy, Dizzie and Rascal’s overall view of Felaqua Connect? 

“I really enjoy looking at the app and check this every day.” Amy said. “It is very informative and useful in being able to quickly see when Dizzee or Rascal last had a drink and is insightful to their drinking habits. It is also invaluable for monitoring Rascal’s water intake, as if this dips it can indicate she may be becoming unwell, I am also able to confidently update the vet on her water intake during routine check ups!” 

“I would highly recommend the Felaqua Connect, Dizzee and Rascal appear to enjoy using it and for us it is reassuring to know they are both drinking regularly and have a constant supply of water.” Dizzie and Rascal both agreed, with a firm “Meow!”

Cat with Felaqua Connect Cat with Felaqua Connect

In the Claypole home...

Felaqua (Base model)

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