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Creating a safe space for your cat to hide

Cats like to hide when they feel threatened, both when they are inside the house or outside. Situations such as new visitors to your home, building work, neighbouring pets or the presence of a new resident pet might all lead your cat to seek shelter. Here are a few ideas to help you create a safe space for your cat to hide whenever they need to.

Cardboard boxes

Many cats love playing in cardboard boxes and they are great places to hide too. Place a blanket in the box for comfort, and to make it more appealing, tape the box closed and make a cat-sized hole in the side. This will make your cat feel more comfortable because they can keep an eye on the opening without the worry of being ambushed from behind.

High hiding places

Cats feel comfortable when they are up high because it makes it easier for them to survey their territory. Therefore, the tops of wardrobes are ideal hiding spots. Make high places accessible by providing smaller furniture or shelves that they can climb up onto and place boxes or cushions on the top of the wardrobe that your cat can hide behind.


Many cats like to sit on window ledges to keep an eye on what’s going on in the outside world. A window ledge can also be the perfect place to hide from indoor stressors if you have curtains. Leave the curtains drawn slightly so that your cat can hide behind them. Consider floor length curtains, as these can offer additional places for your cat to hide at ground level.

Plants, plant pots and garden furniture

When your cat is exploring the garden, a bare piece of lawn doesn’t give your them anywhere to hide. Large plants, plant pots and garden chairs can offer ideal cover for your cat. If you have a cat flap, placing some of these items around the cat flap can give your cat the opportunity to hide when they come out of the house. Without these hiding places around the cat flap, they may be fearful of being ambushed as soon as they leave the house.

Outdoor cat house

An outdoor cat house gives your cat an extra place to escape to if the neighbour’s cat is bothering them and they can’t make it to the house in time. This can be a simple wooden box with roof felt on the top and a hole in the side. Install a Microchip Cat Flap into the side of the cat house to ensure that the neighbour’s cat can’t follow your cat inside.

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