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Keeping Your Fur Babies Cool This Summer

As summer temperatures rise to unfortunately ever-increasing record-highs, it's important to take extra precautions to keep beloved fur babies cool and comfortable. They rely on us to provide them with a safe environment that is appropriate for the hot months. In this article, we will share some valuable tips and tricks on how to help your pets to beat the heat and enjoy a cool summer.

Provide Ample Fresh Water

 If our pets do not drink enough, they can struggle to regulate their body temperature and can easily overheat – especially when spending lots of time in the sun or exercising in the heat. Ensure that your pets have access to fresh, clean water at all times by placing multiple water bowls throughout your home and always carry a water bottle with you when out and about. Use Felaqua® Connect to monitor your pet’s drinking anytime and anywhere to have the reassurance that they’re drinking regularly.

Create a Cooling Oasis

Offering a dedicated space for your pets to cool down is essential. You can set up a cool and shaded area in your home or garden where they can relax during the hottest parts of the day or provide a cooling mat or even a damp towel for them to lie on. Make sure there is plenty of air flow to keep the room temperature at a suitable level. A cat flap or pet door can help your pet seek out the cooler temperature of their home when the sun gets too much outside.

Safe and Fun Water Play

Introduce your fur babies to the joys of water play! While most dogs will naturally be drawn to sprinklers and pools, it may be a no-go for many cats. To test the waters with them, a gradual introduction is recommended. You can set up a small kiddie pool or let them play in a shallow basin of water. Always supervise your pet and make sure the water is not too deep.

Adjust Exercise and Playtime

During scorching summer days, it's essential to modify exercise and play routines to avoid overexertion and heatstroke. Schedule walks and play sessions during the cooler mornings or evenings when temperatures are more bearable. Be mindful of hot pavement or sand, as it can burn your pet's paws. If your furr baby enjoys outdoor activities, consider investing in protective booties to shield their paws from the heat.

Grooming for Summer

Proper grooming is crucial for keeping your pets cool during the heat. Regular brushing helps remove excess fur and prevents matting, which can trap heat close to the skin. For long-haired breeds, consider a summer trim, but be cautious not to shave them completely, as their fur offers protection against the sun's harmful rays. Consult a professional groomer to determine the best grooming routine for your specific pet's needs.

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