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Three diseases that can manifest in your cat’s drinking

Why monitoring your cat’s water consumption is important: As pet parents, we carry the responsibility to maintain our furry friends' health and wellbeing. One crucial aspect to pay attention to is our cat's water consumption. Changes in their drinking habits can be early indicators of underlying issues. In this article, we will take at look at three diseases that can manifest in a cat's water consumption, highlighting how important it is to monitor and understand your cat’s drinking patterns.


 Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder that affects cats, particularly those who are overweight or older. One of the primary signs of diabetes is increased thirst and urination, known as polydipsia and polyuria, respectively. If your cat suddenly starts drinking excessive amounts of water and frequently using the litter box, it could be an indication of diabetes. Monitoring their water intake can help in detecting the disease early. Felaqua® Connect is a smart drinking monitoring solution that helps you keeping tabs on your cat’s drinking 24/7. If you notice any significant changes, it's crucial to consult your veterinarian for further evaluation and appropriate treatment options.

Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a progressive and potentially serious condition in cats. One of the signs of kidney disease is increased water consumption. As the kidneys become compromised, they struggle to concentrate the urine, leading to increased water intake as the body tries to compensate. Changes in your cat's drinking habits, such as drinking more water than usual or seeking out alternative water sources, should raise concern. Regular monitoring of their water consumption can help in detecting changes in kidney function, allowing for earlier intervention and management.


Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid condition commonly seen in older cats. This condition can cause various signs, including increased thirst and urination. If you notice your cat drinking more water than normal and exhibiting other signs like weight loss, increased appetite, or restlessness, it's essential to have them evaluated by a veterinarian. Monitoring their water intake can be a valuable tool in diagnosing and managing hyperthyroidism, a condition that requires intervention and ongoing medical treatment.

Monitoring your cat’s water consumption can provide valuable clues about their wellbeing and help detect potential issues early on. Diabetes, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism are just three examples of conditions that can manifest in changes in water consumption. By keeping a close eye on their drinking habits and promptly addressing any changes, you can ensure your feline companions receive the care and treatment they need. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are crucial to monitor your cat's health comprehensively. Remember, your attentive care can make all the difference in the wellbeing of your cat.

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