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Decoding Your Cat's Water Consumption

As passionate pet parents, we go to great lengths to ensure the health and happiness of our feline friends. Interestingly, your cat's water consumption and drinking routine can serve as a window into their overall wellbeing. By paying attention to these seemingly mundane habits, you can gain valuable insights about their water intake, potential wellbeing concerns, and even strengthen your bond. In this article, we will explore how observing your cat's water consumption and drinking routine can provide clues about their wellbeing.

Frequency and Amount

 Paying attention to your cat's drinking routine can give you valuable information about their hydration status. Cats typically have a low thirst drive compared to other animals, so monitoring their water intake is crucial. Take note of how often your cat drinks throughout the day and the amount they consume each time. Consistently low water consumption may indicate dehydration or an underlying health issue. On the other hand, a sudden increase in water intake without any apparent reason may also be a cause for concern and warrant a visit to the veterinarian. If you struggle documenting your cat’s drinking, then Felaqua® Connect can do this for you. It recognises your cat’s microchip and records each of your cat’s drinking events and amounts for you to review in the Sure Petcare App. This way you can build a holistic long-term view of your cat’s drinking that can also be shared with your veterinarian.

Changes in Drinking Behaviour

If you notice a significant decrease in your cat’s water consumption or a sudden disinterest in drinking, it may signal an underlying issue such as dental problems, kidney disease, or urinary tract issues. Conversely, a sudden increase in water intake could be a red flag for conditions like diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Understanding your cat's typical drinking behaviour and being alert to changes can help you identify potential concerns early on and seek appropriate veterinary care.

Water Source Preferences

Cats can be quite particular about their water source preferences. While some cats may like running water from a flowing water source, such as a cat water fountain or faucet, others prefer shallow whisker-friendly water bowls which they can drink from in peace and quiet. By accommodating your cat's preferences, you can encourage adequate water intake. Additionally, changes in their water source preferences, such as avoiding their usual water bowl, may indicate discomfort, dislike, or other disruptive factors. Paying attention to their preferences and adjusting accordingly can help ensure they consume enough water to stay properly hydrated.

Observing your cat's water consumption and drinking routine can offer valuable insights into their hydration levels and overall wellbeing. Keep an eye on their frequency and amount of water intake, watch out for changes in their drinking behaviour, and take note of their water source preferences. Any significant deviations from their normal patterns could be indicative of underlying issues that require veterinary attention. Remember, being attentive to your cat's drinking habits is an essential part of ensuring their happiness.

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